Thursday, January 30, 2014

To Stay or Not to Stay

“A Sunrise is God's way of saying, "Let's start again.”  ― Todd Stocker

Looking for a new job is never easy, especially in our current economy.  There are so many people out of work that the employers are free to be very selective.  If there are six “must haves” on their hiring requirement list, they can hold out for the person with those six qualifications.  I’ve been classified as “over-qualified”, “under-qualified”, and “not what we are looking for at this time”. I’ve applied for jobs at 2/3 of my old salary and heard nothing. I’ve registered with all of the local agencies and logged onto all of the recommended job sites.  It’s been six months and my unemployment insurance runs out in two weeks.  This is not my pity party, these are the facts.  And the saddest thing is I am not alone. 

There are thousands of other people in their 50’s who are in the exact same position as me. People who have worked all their lives, paid their taxes, contributed to their community and raised their children to believe that if you work hard, you will succeed (or at least get by…). We are middle class people who just want to get back to work.

I was lucky.  My previous employer provided me with a decent severance package and I was able to supplement my unemployment by dipping into my savings.  I watched my expenses and still have a few thousand left in my account.  But the time has come to make some changes.  I live in a 2 bedroom duplex and with my daughter in college; I don’t need all this space.  The rent is more than I can realistically afford and so I have to face the fact that after living here for over 13 years, it is time to move. I need to find a new place to live before my savings runs out and I am evicted. 

So, what do you do when you have no job, your unemployment is about to run out and you need to move?  Do you settle for living in east bumfuck and take a job you hate just to have a job? Or do you think about what you really want out of life and go for it?  I am still in a position to make my own choices and I have decided it is time to move on. And you know what? I am excited about the possibilities.  I am going to start over and it feels great!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I wish you all of God's blessings in this new pursuit.
